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Listen up across multiple channels

Engage in effective dialogue with your stakeholders via secure and friendly reporting channels (speakup and whistleblowing channels). 

Listen up across multiple whistleblowing channels

Protected reporters

Protected reporters
Advice on anonymity and confidentiality protection


Confidentiality and identity protection

Ethicontrol does not collect or provide any information about reporters (tracking cookies, IP addresses, digital footprints) that can be used to trace or reveal their identity.

Reporters can access the platform from any device or location, including the Tor network.

The web portal is script-free. It is accessible and functional even if the reporters are using script blockers to protect their identity.

The portal guides reporters on how to stay safe while reporting. It will also clean metadata from uploaded files to help reporters avoid being tracked.


Secured architecture


Secured architecture

Reporting channels are physically separated from case management. The intake portal and web room are in a demilitarised zone, while the case management can be protected with additional layers of security.

Limited data is stored on the reporting side. As soon as the message is received, it is pushed to case management and deleted from the reporting channels.

Upon request, the platform can be configured on a dedicated server or virtual machine for an individual client.


Integrity of reports


Integrity of reports

Submitted concerns are pushed to the case management platform without any modifications.

The original reported message can't be changed on either side.

icon GDPR and umbrella   ISO_green_and_blue_2 1   ISO_green_and_blue_2 1

GDPR or other privacy laws compliant


ISO 27001 Information security certified


ISO 27701 Privacy management certified

Adapted to your organisation

Adapted to your organisation
Dedicated portal and domain address


Dedicated portal and domain address

Intake portals are accessible via unique subdomains: Subdomains are safer, easier to discover or remember by users.

Additional domain names are also available:,,,


Custom naming, greeting message and routing rules


Branding for your company

The web form and the reporter's web room can be customised by adding their own logo and hero image.

We can change colours, add attachments and modify text.

The web intake portal can also integrate additional resources such as a code of ethics, explainer videos, and more.

Dedicated pages can be created to display policies, form usage, terms and conditions, and other relevant information.


Configurable intake fields


Configurable intake fields

The types of fields and questions in the report intake portal can be customised. Such as mandatory and optional questions, out-of-the-box intake fields, drop-down options, button type, elements size and more.


Terminology customisation


Terminology adaptation

The portal and platform can be customised to match the company's terminology:  process names, legal terms, violation categories, descriptions, units / entities, team positions and other details.

Multiple jurisdictions


Multiple jurisdictions

Each jurisdiction may have different reporting channel requirements. The web form user flow is changing depending on the jurisdiction selected by the reporter.

Complex multinational organisations can benefit from multi-tenant data storage. Multi-tenancy helps to comply with data isolation laws.

Adapted to your organisation

Adapted to your organisation

Synchronised with case management

Synchronised with case management
Synchronised categories, units and involved


Synchronised categories, units and involved

Categories and units in the web form are linked to the case management platform and are applied to cases in the platform.

Individuals or organisations which were mentioned in the web form will be outlined in the case management platform.


Single or multi-level hierarchy of units-locations


Single or multi-level hierarchy of units/locations

The organisational structure set within the case management platform is synced with the reporting portal.

This allows reporters to choose the unit or entity where the incident occurred from a drop-down selector, and the choice is then mapped to the corresponding unit throughout the platform.

If automation rule is enabled, it will assign a lead investigator responsible for the unit.

The multi-level hierarchy is particularly useful for companies that operate in multiple regions with numerous units.


Multiple intake portals connected to a single case management


Multiple intake portals connected to a single case management

Complex organisations can benefit from having multiple portals, especially when the group of companies is not connected under a single brand or a holding company.

Additionally, separate portals can be targeted at specific industries, sectors or regions, and can be used for various purposes beyond just whistleblowing reports. These purposes include environmental complaints, health and safety concerns, ask-me-anything questions, HR grievances and more.

All reported data from these portals will appear in a consolidated case management platform.

Ethics helpdesk for anonymous reporters 

from 89 EUR / month

Web room for reporters

Web room for reporters
Option for anonymity and ongoing dialogue with reporter


Ongoing dialogue with reporter

Reporters can access the Reporter's web room using a security code and a password.

Web room users can track report status, view submitted info (including the call/interview transcript) and add data anytime during or after an investigation.

Reporter identity remains anonymous and untraceable when accessing and acting from the web room.


Password setup and change


Password setup and change

In addition to the secret six-digit code, the reporter can also set their own password as an extra layer of protection.

The password can be set both in the web form and in the reporter's web room.


Email notifications


Email notifications

Reporters can add an address to enable email alerts for case updates in the reporter's web room.

Ethicontrol platform makes sure the addresses will be protected and hidden.

Web room for reporters

Web room for reporters


an English and Chinese language, a and b letters


Multiple languages

Web form is available in more than 100 languages. Customers can choose up to 4 languages with Starter plan, 10 languages with Advanced plan, and unlimited languages with Pro plan.


Mobile friendly


Mobile friendly

Both the web intake portal and web room are responsive, so they can be used on each device.


File upload


File upload

Reporters can upload files to their report using the web intake portal and at any stage of the investigation using the web room.

File restrictions based on type, size, or quantity are customisable.
In addition, the platform can remove metadata from uploaded files to help reporters avoid tracking.


Single page or multiscreen


Single page or multiscreen

The multiscreen feature is designed to guide users through the registration process by separating different steps into logical screens, preventing cognitive overload. It is especially helpful when using an adaptive workflow and allows reporters to focus on answering questions.

However, in certain cases, a single-page form that contains all the steps on one screen may be more user-friendly.

Embedded triggers

Embedded triggers
Triggered fields, questions and procedures


Triggered fields, questions, and procedures

A question (e.g. unit, country, category) in the web form can be used as a trigger to lead to additional input fields, another question or to activate certain automation rules within the case management platform.

Special procedures can be automatically applied to the report in the platform depending on the trigger.





The escalation process allows the platform to bypass individuals who are part of the response team or hold top management positions in case they are accused of a violation.

Escalations can occur on regional, functional and hierarchical levels. For instance, if a compliance officer is accused of a violation, the platform will ensure that the compliance team will not have access to the case or be informed of it.

Similarly, if a case involves top management in a particular region, it may be escalated to global headquarters for review.

Embedded triggers

Embedded trigger

Global toll-free line with native speakers 

from 89 EUR / month

Secure mailbox and other ways to connect

Secure mailbox and other ways to connect
Dedicated mailbox for your company


Dedicated mailbox for your company

A separate mailbox which is connected to the case management.

Emails appear in case management within 15 minutes.

Email addresses are not visible to response teams, and email reports are treated as anonymous by the platform.

Senders receive an automatic confirmation with access details to the feedback room, as well as notifications of status changes or additional comments from a response team.





A chatbot for web intake portal or messengers (Facebook, Telegram etc) where reporters can run through an interactive questionnaire and submit concerns.


Instant registration directly in the platform


Chat with consultants

A reporter can chat with a consultant online to discuss their concerns and receive assistance, similar to the Ethicontrol Toll-Free line.


A call from the web


A call from the web

It allows users to make toll-free calls directly from their browser, bypassing the need for a phone. The conversation is processed by Ethicontrol Toll-Free line consultants.

This feature is particularly beneficial for customers in countries where toll-free services are expensive or problematic.


Machine translation of reports


Machine translation of reports

The platform detects the user's interface languages. Should the reported message be in a different language from the interface, the system will translate it accordingly. The original report remains unchanged and available for review.

Moreover, our platform offers the capability to translate messages sent to reporters. By clicking on the “Add translation” button, a user can effortlessly integrate the translated message into the input field.


Manual translation of reports


Manual translation of reports

We offer manual translations of reports via a case management platform.
To support this, we create a special role for our consultants on the platform. A unique stage of case translation is then created for translation purposes.

Push the case to the Translation stage to initiate a translation. The case will then appear on the translator's dashboard, and once the translation is complete, the consultant will no longer have access to the case or be able to add any new information.

This process can be either automatic, where the case is automatically directed to the Translation stage upon receipt, or manually — ad hoc.

⭐ — feature is included in tariff plans “Advanced” and/or “Pro”


