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Report on reports

Save time with predefined reports designed by experts, ensuring you get the right insights and get ready for benchmarkings, internal audits and ESG evaluations.

Analyse your achievements and report on reports

Available in all tariff plans

from 89 EUR / month

Navigate trends

Navigate trends
General outlook

General outlook

All general information about cases is gathered in one place. You can view the number of cases that were registered, opened, and closed within a specific time range.

Set filters to receive the most relevant information, such as case statuses, assigned responsibilities, case health, and others.


Comparisons (aka Groups report)

See case statistics categorized by groups like Categories, Units, Channels, Assigned, Segments, Disciplinary actions, and others. The data is displayed in column charts and tables. Column charts can be saved in PNG, PDF, and SVG formats.

You can track the performance of specific groups across different time spans such as days, months, and years. This performance can be visualized as curves or histograms and exported in various formats.

Quality of response and investigation 1 

Substantiation rate  ⭐

Classical indicator for benchmarking which is tracking how many cases were substantiated (proven) or not.

Also, compare how these variables have changed over previous time periods to evaluate your progress.

Period outlook (weekly and monthly)

Period Outlook (weekly and monthly)  ⭐

Automatically generated reports include registered and new reports and provide all relevant statistics by specific month or week. You can add branded graphics to this report.

A Period Outlook report can be automatically sent to your email every week or month.

Quantitative report

Quantitative report  ⭐

Check and compare necessary quantitative indicators such as total cases, losses, and recovered receivables, total financial impact, disciplinary actions, and others with previous periods.

Analyze the dynamics for each variable by days, months, and years.

⭐ — feature is included in tariff plans “Advanced” and/or “Pro”

Access rights friendly

Visible to designated users only

Our access rights management model ensures that users can generate reports solely for cases they are authorized to access.

There are special roles designated for reporting purposes, including Auditor, Hotline Auditor, ESG Auditor, HSE Auditor, and Finance Auditor.


Response rate

Response speed

The average number of days from registration to decision, as well as from registration to the start of response. Additionally, check the percentage of reports solved within specific time frames.

Lastly, examine the trends, compare, and use this report for decision-making.

Case closure days


Case closure  ⭐

The number of cases closed within 5 days and the number of closed cases with actions taken.

Also, compare how these variables have changed over previous time periods to evaluate your progress.

On-time rate


On-time rate ⭐ ⏳

Analyze and compare the team's compliance with deadlines at each stage of the case according to these metrics:
  • % of concerns opened on time
  • % of cases closed on time
  • % cases with preliminary screening completed on time
  • % cases with initial assessment completed on time
  • % cases with investigation closed on time
  • % cases with decisions made on time
  • % cases with actions taken made on time
Clock (1)

Investigation duration  ⭐

Compare the average investigation duration between previous and current periods.

Additionally, create a histogram showing the distribution of cases by investigation durations.

User activity report

User activity report  ⭐

Keep track of the number of active user sessions each day.

Present the information in a tabular format, showing who logged in, their location, login time, and logout time.

Use a Gantt chart to visualize the duration of active sessions for each user.

Analyse user actions during specific periods, such as case creation, task completion, facts input, comments, and messages.

Control performance

Control perfomance
Report generator / filter

Advanced filtering

Prepare the data that is useful for you. Select variables that need to be mentioned, delete unnecessary ones, define a date range, and export a ready report in a suitable format.

Filtering helps pay attention to essential data.


Employee report rate


Employee report rate  

The Employee report rate (per 100 Employees) allows organizations of all sizes to compare the total number of unique contacts from various reporting channels, including web forms, hotlines, mobile, email, and more.

time to report (1)


Time to report

This benchmarking metric measures the time difference between the incident date and the registration date of the report on the hotline/portal.

Anonymous rate


Anonymous rate

The Anonymous Reporting benchmarking metric shows the percentage of all reports submitted by reporters who chose to not disclose their identity.

Time to open


Time to open 

The time to open rate indicates how long it takes from receiving a report to opening it and starting work on it. This metric enables organizations to benchmark the speed of compliance responses to reports.

Follow up rate


Follow-up rate 

The Follow-up rate is a benchmarking metric that measures the percentage of reports that were submitted and later followed up to the reporter.


Synchronised categories, units and involved

Case memorandum report generator 

A report is automatically generated for each case, which can be downloaded in Word and PDF formats. The report includes:

  • Basic information: case ID, investigator, category, status, and percentage of completed tasks;
  • Initial report/message: initial information about the case from the reporter via the web platform or consultants' web cabinet;
  • Communication with the reporter: a record of the entire conversation with the reporter from both the reporter's and the investigation team's sides;
  • Case files: all files added to the case with descriptions, reliability, and sources;
  • Involved parties: everyone who had access to the case, including the lead investigator and case team, as well as those who were invited and notified;
  • Wrongdoers: individuals identified as wrongdoers and their misconduct;
  • Internal control deficiencies;
  • Final results/Management's decision.

Consolidated report with PDF export  ⭐

This is an automatically generated consolidated report that contains all general information about case management for a specific period. The report includes the following information:

  • Summary: number of messages registered, their distribution by channels, categories, and priorities.
  • General dynamics: number of cases opened, registered, and closed, and a comparison of these variables by week.
  • Statistics by status as of the end of the period: number of case statuses by the end of each month.
  • Statistics by category: number of case categories by the end of each month.
  • Detailed description of incidents per month: all cases with main information such as unit, short description, status, resolution date, and short conclusion.
  • Other statistics such as the number of days taken from registration to decision, and from registration to start of response, the number of cases solved within a time frame, the number of Proven / Substantiated / Confirmed cases, and the number of cases closed with actions taken.
Once the data is gathered, the report can be downloaded in a branded PDF format.


GDPR umbrella   ISO_white_-3   ISO_white_-3

GDPR or other privacy laws compliant


ISO 27001 Information security certified


ISO 27701 Privacy management certified


Export (1)


Case table export into XLS and CSV

Case table export into XLS and CSV

You can export the tables in either XLS or CSV formats to make working with the data easier.

Export of charts into PNG, JPG, SVG

Export of charts into PNG, JPG, SVG

Almost all charts can be exported in PNG, JPG, and vector formats. Charts also support color adaptation to match brand guidelines.

Automatically send to the distribution list


Automatically send to the distribution list

Certain reports can be scheduled and automatically sent to a distribution list of employees, which you can customize.

By default, it's the Consolidated report and Period outlook, which can be sent either weekly or monthly. This ensures that you stay up-to-date with all the necessary information.